Safe, professional and experienced ear wax removal by micro suction or ear irrigation. Custom made professional ear & hearing protection. Mobile appointments are available for those clients with reduced mobility.
Munro Hearing Solutions brings you safe, professional ear wax removal by micro suction. Unlike other providers, this is always carried out by an Audiologist, never a 'Heath Care Assistant'.
Ear wax build up can be a problem for some people. Microsuction is a gentle and effective solution to ear wax and in the right hands, is considered one of the safest methods of ear wax removal. Irrigation is occasionally used if the wax is very deep or very soft.
Munro Hearing Solutions is based in Bonnybridge, near Falkirk.

Local, Experienced, Professional Audiologist

Munro Hearing Solutions also offers a range of professional quality custom ear plugs & hearing protection designed to protect your ears and hearing against noise when working or at leisure. Please see our custom ear plugs pages for full details and prices.
Ear wax is healthy. It protects your ears from dirt and germs, while maintaining the ear’s natural pH. Do not use any object or tool like a cotton bud to remove wax, this will push it in further and could cause the ear to become blocked with impacted ear wax. This can then cause a hearing disability in one or both ears. You can’t always prevent the build up of wax because some people produce more wax than others. It is a very common problem, but If you have particularly hairy ears, narrow ear canals or if you wear a hearing aid, you may find that you are more likely to have problems with wax build up. Please do not buy DIY or over-the-counter wax removal tools or syringe kits due to the risk of causing irreversible damage to the delicate structure of the ear canal, ear drum and middle ear. If you have excess ear wax, then the safest solution is to seek professional ear wax removal performed by a registered Audiologist. Please visit my micro suction page to see up to date prices.